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E3: Intro to Public Speaking & Free Giveaway

Alicia Brown

Happy E3 Friday!

Here are two ways to stay equipped, encouraged, and engaged as you help your student improve their writing this week.

Stay Equipped

1. Did you know that public speaking is considered one of the greatest fears people have? Well, that doesn't have to be the case for your child. I just recorded a review of the features of this new IEW curriculum yesterday. You can enter my drawing to win it for free! Please share this with other families on Instagram or Facebook and be sure to tag me. :-)

2. Would you be interested in a Public Speaking class in the fall? It is for 6th - 12th grade students. Please let me know here.

Stay Encouraged

1. "If you have to choose between relaxing at the pool or planning curriculum for the fall today, please choose the pool! We all need a break." -Alicia Brown

2. "Childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can read, write, and count. It is a small window of time to learn and develop at the pace that is right for each individual child." - Magda Gerber

Journal: How do you plan to recharge this summer and slow down?

Stay Engaged

1. Are you NEW to the Institute for Excellence in Writing? If so, grab my free Playlist for New IEW Parents. The training and guide are FREE. It has my Top 7 "Must Have" Resources for new parents. If you are an experienced parent, share this with someone you know.

2. Summer is a great time to grab those books that you plan to read in the fall. If you're moving into the SSS Level B, Year 1 program, here is the book list.

Until Next Week,

Mrs. Brown

P.S. Fall class registration is open for your elementary or middle school child to join my elementary and middle school writing classes. Use code SUMMERSALE at checkout only on the website to get $50 off each class until July 15th.

Until Next Week,

Happy Writing!

Mrs. Brown

2023-2024 Classes

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